EV Drivers

Have you just been blocked from charging by:

ICEing Icon


Petrol, diesel, or hybrid vehicle blocking a public charger.

Bay-hogging Icon


EV parked in charging bay but not plugged in.

EV charging problem illustration

EV Drivers

Then you need the Charge Saint app!

Report charging bay misuse with the Charge Saint app.

Help us improve availability of charging bays by partnering with charging networks and councils to stop charging bay blockages from happening again.

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Charge Saint App Screenshot

EV Drivers

Key Features

ICEing Icon

Quick and easy reporting of ICEing and bay-hogging incidents, directly to the owner of the charge point.

ICEing Icon

No traffic warden or fixed hardware required - can be deployed anywhere, instantly.

ICEing Icon

Helps stop ICEing and bay-hogging to ensure that charge points are accessible when EV drivers need them.

Key Features

Charge Saint is free to download and use.

There are no additional charges.

Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

Charge Point Operators

For Local Authorities and Charge Point Operators

Easy-to-use dashboard with comprehensive reports

Maximise charger

Maximise charge point usage, maximise your investment.

24/7 coverage

24/7 coverage, no traffic warden/CEO required to be present.

Measure ICEing

Monitor ICEing and bay-hogging incidents across your charge point estate.


Low-cost solution: no expensive hardware required, no ground mounted sensors or ANPR cameras required.

Proud to work with the following partners

Innovate UkBPAThorntonsArceptiveTRIGCatapult

Ready to dive in?

Create your first report by downloading the app.

Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play
Ready to dive in?

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mailS4EV Ltd. Whitehall House, 33 Yeaman Shore, Dundee DD1 4BJ

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